Inception Meeting for the Project titled 'Strengthening The Capacity Of Women And Youth-Led Counties For Improved Public Participation In Budgeting Processes And Oversight Of Public Resources In Kenya'.
The election of three women and one young person to the gubernatorial seat shows progress towards inclusion in decision making organs, through this is still below the constitutional threshold of not more than two third of the same gender. The Council acknowledged the election of the three women governors and a youthful governor for the first time in the history of the country and has decided to use this unique opportunity to showcase these two groups capability to lead as a way to combat the deeply embedded patriarchal socio-cultural values that impede women and young women's leader, raise levels of public awareness as well as challenge policies and norms obstruct their leadership. The Council will also use this opportunity to promote inclusion and meaningful participation of their constituencies in their governance.
The Council therefore proposed to pilot the project in Kirinyaga, Bomet and Kitui Counties that are women led and in Nandi County led by a young governor below the age of 35.
The support will facilitate effective coordination and ensure the select counties implement policies and laws that guarantee inclusion and meaningful participation of women and young people in budgeting processes to ensure public resources work for public good. The grant will ensure that there is conscious and deliberate effort in the involvement of women and youth in the budget process, resource allocation and distribution of opportunities as well as strengthen the capacity of the four leaders and the counties for the effective management of public resources.