Nairobi County Supports Holistic Education For ECDE Learners With The Annual Capitation Grant Programme

Nairobi County Supports Holistic Education For ECDE Learners With The Annual Capitation Grant Programme

The County Government of Nairobi, through the Annual Capitation Grant which allocates KSh 3,200 to each Early Childhood Development Education learner and KSh 3300 each to learners with special needs, has improved the quality of education offered in all public schools. The Capitation Grant supports administration work and the management of the centres. Through the grant, pupils get books and other learning equipment to help them in the new Curriculum-Based Competency (CBC) system to ease the burden on parents The County Government allocates KSh 84 million to all ECDE centres. Through this fund, the feeding programme in the County ECDE centres has improved with learners having well-balanced meals which include proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits.

Through the holistic approach to education, with a focus on both the academic and the health of the learners, the County aims to provide adequate teaching–learning materials suitable for the CBC system. The County Government has an assessment tool which is used to evaluate the quality of education offered in all public schools. Through the assessment tool, the County officers from the Ministry of Education conduct school visits without notice to evaluate the reading environment, teachers’ in-class sessions, and the health of learners. These impromptu visits have encouraged teacher performance, hence improving quality education in the County.

Relevant County:
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Date of Publication:
25 August, 2022

Nzei Mwende

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