Mitigating Climate-induced Disaster through Community Resilience Building in Wajir County


Wajir County is located in North Eastern Kenya. The semi-arid County has a mean annual temperature of 28°C with rainfall amounts ranging between 250mm and 700mm per annum in different parts of the county. With a population of 781,263, the County encompasses 6 constituencies, and 30 wards (County Government of Wajir, 2024).

The main economic activity is pastoralism with some small-scale rain-fed agriculture. In recent years, climate change has increased precipitation during the rainy season and raised temperatures during the dry season, resulting in climate-induced disasters in the County such as floods, locust invasion (2020–2021) and prolonged drought (2015, 2017, 2018–2021) were causing resource-based conflict for the pastoral communities over the scarce water and pasture and accelerating the loss of livelihoods, livestock and human lives. The disasters significantly affected 82,756 residents of Eldas, Bute, Buna Arbajahani, Habaswein, Laqboqol, and Khorof/Harar areas, and led to long-term population displacement, destruction of property and the natural environment, domestic supply chain disruptions, and food insecurity across the County.

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Relevant County:
Date of Publication:
8 February, 2023

Jane Kibwarata

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