Kakamega County Shelter Improvement Programme

Kakamega County Improves The Living Standards Of Its Vulnerable Residents Through The Shelter Improvement Programme

The County Government of Kakamega is constructing two-roomed semi-permanent houses for its vulnerable residents. The project under the Department of Social Services, Youth, Women, Sports and Culture in partnership with the County Polytechnics Directorate has supported 1,800 vulnerable members of society by building housing units and donating new beddings. This project is aimed at providing good living standards for the aged and vulnerable people in the County. With high urban migration among the youth who move to the cities to find greener pastures, the elderly have been abandoned and has found living alone in the villages. Without frequent repairing and fixing of cracks, the mud houses had become old hence making them vulnerable to crumbling during the rainy season. The need to care for and consider the aged as part of society and deserving of a good living environment has birthed this initiative.

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