Training On Social Accountability Concept And Tools In Nandi County

COG in a joint partnership with the National Taxpayers Association, trained women, youth including persons with disabilities and county officers from various departments on social accountability and use of social audit tools. The social accountability training highlighted that in promoting social accountability, Article 174 of the Constitution advocates for active engagement of citizens, communities and other non-state actors in County governance processes. This is achieved by holding public institutions and governments into account by the general public and this engagement was therefore expected to enhance transparency, reduce corruption and support good governance, which are critical in strengthening effectiveness and efficiency in public service delivery. The women, youth including PWDs were facilitated to conduct social audits on 2 projects of their choice in their respective wards. The National Taxpayers Association provided the social auditors in identifying and addressing disconnects between devolved sector responsibilities and funds identifying and addressing key bottlenecks to devolved service delivery.

Citizen Engagement; Gender, Youth, Sports,
• Wednesday Aug 28, 2019 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM • Thursday Aug 29, 2019 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
• Nandi County

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